Źródła i opracowania do genealogii galicyjskich emigrantów w Księstwie Cieszyńskim

Michael Morys-Twarowski, “Źródła i opracowania do genealogii galicyjskich emigrantów w Księstwie Cieszyńskim,” in Galicja. Dziedzictwo monarchii Habsburgów w perspektywie badań genealogicznych, ed. Przemysław Jędrzejewski (Kraków, 2023), 223–232.

Streszczenie / Summary

The article discusses the issues of genealogical research in the area of the former Duchy of Cieszyn, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, directly adjacent to the area of Galicia. It is also an extensive answer to the questions of where and what sources and publications should be used if we want to complete the lineage of the Galician family about the representatives of the Cieszyn line (“Cieszyn” in the sense inhabiting the Duchy of Cieszyn, not only Cieszyn itself ).

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