Czakojowie z Kocobędza – zarys dziejów chłopskiego rodu ze Śląska Cieszyńskiego od XVII do początku XX wieku

Michael Morys-Twarowski, “Czakojowie z Kocobędza – zarys dziejów chłopskiego rodu ze Śląska Cieszyńskiego od XVII do początku XX wieku,” Pamiętnik Cieszyński 23 (2019): 91–122.

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Abstrakt / Abstract

The article presents the history of the Czakoj family from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The Czakojs were Polish-speaking peasant from Kocobędz (Czech: Chotěbuz), a village in the former Duchy of Cieszyn. The most prominent members of the family were village mayors: Jan (*1721 †1782), Jan (*1825 †1902) and Jerzy (*1844 †1913), a social activist, who received the Zivil-Verdienstkreuz cross. The article could be used by researchers interested in the history of counter-reformation in Cieszyn Silesia, in the study of peasants as a social class, and in national issues.
